WHEREAS The Ministry of Education updated the Ontario Physical and Health Education Curriculum in 2019, and;
WHEREAS The updated curriculum includes sexual health and education expectations, and;
WHEREAS $7M has been spent on endometriosis research in Canada in the last 20 years, and;
WHEREAS There is currently an average wait time of 7 to 10 years to see an endometriosis specialist in Ontario.
THEREFORE WE THE UNDERSIGNED petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to:
- Update the current Ontario Physical and Health Education Curriculum to include an endometriosis component with specific expectations, and;
- Invest significantly more funding in endometriosis research, and;
- Improve medical program requirements to reflect endometriosis education in Ontario universities and therefore train more specialists, and;
- Ensure people with endometriosis receive timely access to expert surgical and integrative care.