Park People Grants Now Open
Park People Grants are available for almost any community event in a publicly accessible green space — whether in a city park, social housing property, or schoolyard — that fosters ongoing care and protection of these spaces. You could receive $2,000 to support your vision to connect people to their local parks and green spaces. Questions can be emailed at [email protected]. Application deadline is February 24, 2025.
Order of Ontario Nominations Open
The Order of Ontario is the province’s highest civilian honour. It is awarded to an Ontarian who has shown the highest level of excellence and achievement in their field, and whose impact has left a legacy in our province, in our country and around the world. You can nominate someone for achievements and excellence in any field. Nominations deadline is March 31, 2025. Full details available here.
Open Door Free Community Health Program
Newcomer? No OHIP? No status? The Open Door Program is a free community healthcare resource for everyone, including newcomers, the uninsured, and those with language barriers. The program has pop-up health stations throughout the Mid-West Toronto region with one open now at the Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre, 627 Queens Quay W.
Email [email protected] or call 416-702-9265 if you have questions, need support or want to visit one of the health stations.
Free Job Training for OW Recipients
CALM offers this free, 8-week online instructor-led sessions for Ontario Works recipients who are residents of Toronto and need more help and a boost in self-confidence before they are ready to find a job. Details here.
Schedule: Online every Friday, 10 am - 12 pm
Eligibility: 18 years+; OW recipient; Toronto resident; S.I.N.; Unemployed or working part-time
Register: Contact Cheryl Lochnan at [email protected] and copy Leslie Gallagher at [email protected]
Phone: Toll-free 1-888-777-4982
Cybersecurity Toolkits
The Canadian Bankers Association has provided cybersecurity toolkits that can help identify and avoid fraud and scams, including:
- Recognizing phishing scams and suspicious emails or texts
- Avoiding One-Time Passcode scams
- Identifying phone scams, including fraudulent calls from supposed government officials or financial institutions
- Understanding tax season scams and legitimate communications from the Canada Revenue Agency
- Protecting against ransomware through preventive measures
- Identifying fake websites and apps designed to steal personal or financial information
All fraud prevention toolkits are accessible in English and French on the CBA’s website:
Snow Removal Program for Seniors
Looking for some help removing snow, raking leaves, or other outdoor maintenance? Call 647-687-7322 or email [email protected].
TTC Fair Pass Transit Discount Program
The City of Toronto announced that low-income residents ages 20-64 will qualify for the newly expanded Fair Pass Transit Discount Program. This also includes those on the waitlist for subsidized housing and child care. Eligible applicants must live in Toronto, have an activated PRESTO card and with an after-tax income below $20,514 (single) or $41,028 (family of 4). Apply here.
Achēv Free Employment Programs
Are you looking for a job? Is your business hiring? Achēv can help. Achēv connects job seekers and employers. Achēv offers job search support, interview and resume-building seminars and programs to help people find jobs. For employers, Achēv offers job fairs, and recruitment and retention services. Services are FREE. Learn more here.
Become a GEM Mentor
The Girl E-Mentorship (GEM) program helps girls break through barriers to success by connecting them with a female mentor for a 9-month mentorship relationship. GEM mentors support mentees in navigating key personal and professional development areas including goal setting, time management and confidence building. Mentors help their mentees seek new opportunities, develop a professional network and stay committed to achieving their goals. Full details here.
Employment Support for Job Seekers with Developmental Disabilities
- The Family Support Network for Employment (FSNE) provides support for individuals with developmental disabilities looking for paid employment. For more information, email [email protected] or visit the website here.
Diversity Training for Employers
Funded by Women and Gender Equality Canada, Businesses Breaking Barriers works with employers in the skilled trades and STEM fields to strengthen their teams by introducing the practice of diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. Starting with a company-wide culture assessment, Times Change offers FREE tools and resources as part of an individualized DEI plan focused on increasing the recruitment, retention and advancement of underrepresented employees/candidates on your team.
Please email Larysa at [email protected].
Hospitality Youth Program
- The Hospitality Workers Training Centre is presenting this free fast-track program for youth who are interested in working in the hospitality industry. With daily support from trainers, employment specialists, and a youth engagement and success specialist, Fast Track can help you discover a variety of hospitality career paths, and give you the opportunity to earn important industry certifications at no cost. For more information, call toll-free at 1-888-777-4982. Details here.
Women Breaking Barriers Program
- Women Breaking Barriers works to strengthen company practices around recruitment, retention, and advancement using free tools and resources with the goal to help small to medium-sized employers find qualified candidates for their open positions and help women find sustainable, high-paying employment. More information on their programs can be found here.
Income Tax Assistance from CRA
- Tax filing may be more challenging for some people this year because of COVID-19. Filing a tax return is very important as it will let the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) determine if someone is eligible for certain benefit and credit payments, such as the Canada Child Benefit and the GST/HST credit. To help, the CRA will offer extra support to eligible individuals who have previously received support through the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP). Individuals who need help completing their income tax return can call 1-833-995-2341. Visit
Ukrainian Relief in Ontario
The Ontario government is launching a suite of supports for Ukrainian families arriving under the new emergency travel authorization to connect new arrivals with job search supports and local employers in the community.
- Hotline: 1-888-562-4769
- Email: [email protected]
- Ontario Webpage:
Ukrainian Canadian Congress-National (UCC)
The UCC is working with Canadian government officials at all levels to learn what programs and assistance will be provided for displaced persons coming to Canada from Ukraine.
- Ukrainian Displaced Persons Support Committee: [email protected]
If you want to help a new arrival, complete the survey at
- Government of Canada Resources: Click here
Education Funding Opportunities
- Annual Studentship for Mental Health Program
Mental Health Research Canada is providing funding opportunities for university and college students. Click here for more information.
- Tuition Programs for Foster Kids
Are you a current or former foster kid? Did you always want to go to college or university but money got in the way? Click here for participating schools.
Ontario Arts Council Grants
For more than 55 years, the Ontario Arts Council (OAC) has provided vital support to the professional arts community in Ontario. The OAC is financed through an annual grant from the Ontario government’s Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. Visit the website here for information on the grants available or email [email protected].
Toronto Arts Council Grants
- Supporting the city’s artists and arts organizations through an established and effective granting program since 1974. Visit the website.
Art and Creative Skills Collective
An arts-based non-profit organization that offers free arts programming including story-writing, photography and film-making. Each program is designed to:
- Provide a safe space for youth to express themselves
- Build 21st-century skills among youth
- Give youth a platform to voice their opinion, artistically
- Deconstruct the stigma around mental illness
- Facilitate the development of positive and peer-learning support
- Help participants explore new career options and push their artistic inclination
- Support participants to work in a group setting and learn as a collective, fostering a deep sense of community
Visit the website.
Pathways to Success Program for Indigenous Youth
- The Indigenous Professional Association of Canada’s Pathways to Success Program creates new opportunities for internships and summer work experiences for Indigenous youth (17-29) in Toronto, Winnipeg and Edmonton. They are currently looking for employers and Indigenous youth to participate in the program. For more information, visit the Pathways to Success website and signup page.
Private Refugee Support Network Ontario
- The Private Refugee Sponsor Network Ontario (The Network) is a volunteer-driven organization with 260 sponsors working together in response to community need, offering information, education, problem solving, and networking opportunities to enable private sponsors to better support refugee families. The Network is playing a significant role in resolving post-arrival issues, addressing potential sponsorship breakdown and creating relationships with settlement agencies that will lead to more effective service delivery in the sector. To learn more about the Private Refugee Sponsor Network Ontario, email [email protected], or visit the website at
Toronto Rent Bank Program
Toronto Rent Bank Program is currently offering grants of up to $4,000 or 3 months of rent to eligible low-income households who are facing eviction. Toronto residents may be eligible for an interest-free rental arrears or rental deposit grant if they:
Live in Toronto
Pay market rent for a rental unit covered by the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA)
Fall within the low-income household eligibility requirement
Are not currently in receipt of social assistance such as Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)*
Can satisfy other Toronto Rent Bank Program requirements, as required
Please call 416-397-RENT (7368) for more information on how to apply. Operating hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This program is offered by Neighbourhood Information Post and funded by the City of Toronto. Visit for more details.
*Residents in receipt of social assistance should contact their Ontario Works or ODSP office as they may qualify for the Housing Stabilization Fund.