QUEEN’S PARK — NDP Colleges and Universities critic Chris Glover released the following statement regarding news that tuition will drop for 2019-2020, and be frozen for 2020-2021:
“Doug Ford's coming tuition announcement is going to turn out to be a smoke and mirrors exercise. Ontario's college and university students know that they are not going to benefit from a Doug Ford government.
Reports reveal that the Ford government is not going to fund a two-year tuition freeze it's imposing, forcing colleges and universities to accept what is estimated to be a $250-million revenue loss. That means cancelled courses, larger class sizes and laid-off faculty. Students will likely pay for the freeze with two years of a lower quality education — followed by skyrocketing tuition in 2021 to make up for the shortfall.
Ontario already has the lowest per-student funding in Canada, the highest levels of student debt, the largest class sizes and the most precariously employed professors.
We are also growing deeply concerned that Ontario Student Assistant Plan (OSAP) grants will be cut by Ford, hurting low and middle income students. Students counting on OSAP to give them a shot at university or college know that OSAP needs to be improved, not hacked apart.
The NDP has proposed a new system that would see provincial student loans converted to grants. That would means schools and students would both win, and new graduates wouldn't saddled with a debt load that weighs them down just as they’re starting out.
The Ontario NDP will be paying very close attention to this announcement."