Whereas Pro Bono Ontario operates three court-based help centres that provide legal services for unrepresented litigants with civil matters in Ontario courts;
Whereas the court-based help centres provide invaluable legal services to the people of Ontario who would otherwise not be able to afford or obtain legal services;
Whereas these services help people with everyday legal problems including predatory lending schemes, landlord/tenant disputes and estate issues;
Whereas the help centres are being forced to close due to a lack of funding;
Whereas the help centres facilitate access to justice in Ontario;
Whereas access to justice has already reached a crisis point in Ontario;
Whereas the help centres provide a return on investment of approximately $10 for every $1 invested and have proven to be a highly cost-effective means of providing pro bono legal services and facilitating access to justice;
Whereas all citizens of Ontario benefit from services that promote an efficient justice system.
We the undersigned petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to:
take a leadership role in ensuring Pro Bono Ontario has a longterm, stable source of funding that specifically supports its court-based help centres.