WHEREAS Franco-Ontarians have fought and organized for a century to see a French-only higher education institution developed for, by and with Franco-Ontarians in the North through the University of Sudbury, and;
WHEREAS 65.9% of Franco-Ontarians believe the province should fund the University of Sudbury towards its French language only programming for higher education, and;
WHEREAS Franco-Ontarians are still fighting to see their charter right protected and have the same higher education given in the French minority language, and;
WHEREAS studies have shown that at full capacity, the University of Sudbury will generate $89.3M for the region, and;
WHEREAS there are 8,500 Franco-Ontarians in the region aged between 10-19 who could enroll in higher education in French close to their home in the next 10 years;
THEREFORE WE THE UNDERSIGNED petition the Legislative Assembly of Ontario to provide the needed funding as requested by University of Sudbury of $10M a year to ensure the future of the University of Sudbury, a higher education institution made for, by and with Franco-Ontarians, effective immediately.